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Monday, October 08, 2007

mommy doesn't feel good

last night my mommy and daddy had to leave for the night because they were all dressed up and stuff. mommy said be a good boy bowser mommy loves you and then they left. I just kind of hung out and took naps and all that. then mommy and daddy came home and I was all excited and so happy that they were home and I could go out and go pees, too. they let me outside and then I sat and sat and sat and sat on the porch while mommy and daddy watched some of the big black box and then daddy said come on bowser it is time to come inside but mommy was still on the couch watching the big black box and I went over and said hi and she said hi bowser face but I didn't feel like watching the big black box so I went upstairs with daddy and he didn't say no so I went to sleeps upstairs with daddy. we both waited for mommy to come upstairs but I guess she was really interested in the big black box. so then she finally came upstairs and woke us both up when she got into bed but I went over and kissed mommy's face a few times and told her that it was ok and I didn't feel bad that she woke me up. then I fell back asleeps again (and mommy said I was snoring but I don't believe her) and then mommy's alarm was going off again and again and again but she wasn't getting up and so finally I said mommy I need to go outside please so she got up and let me outside and then I sat and I sat and I sat and I sat and I sat and finally daddy let me inside and said mommy's not feeling well mr. face why don't you go upstairs and make her feel better. so I ran upstairs and said mommy mommy mommy why don't you feel good and I kissed her face and her arm and her foot and mommy said bowser mommy's tummy doesn't feel good why don't you sit with me and make me feel better. so then mommy took naps all morning and I did too but I was there to make sure no one would hurt mommy while she was napping. then mommy got up and said ugh bowser a train just ran over mommy's head and I thought that was weird because I was there the whole time and I don't remember seeing any trains come through but it must have been when I was outside and just didn't see it. so then mommy finally got up from naps and then I got to run around again and run and run and run outside then mommy said I have to go to work mr. face. you be a good boy mommy loves you. so I went in my crate and now I'm just waiting for mommy and daddy to get home again.

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