LilypieNext Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

don't you think...

that bowser should get a little puggy brother or sister?? preferably a sister, I think. not that bowser is a lonely pug by any means... he plays (somewhat) well with his furbrothers. it's more gabe and jaeger that don't want to play with him. they more or less put up with him... which is the extent of their tolerance. anything beyond that and the fur will fly and protruding eyeballs could be potentially slashed.

my basis for this particular request is that a) I want another one (all reasoning *should* stop there), b) pugs are companion animals (right?) and do best with other pugs, c) bowser wants a sibling that will really play with him (he told me this a few weeks ago), and d) everyone else has more than one pug [dave's rebuttal: julie/rich don't have two. well, my darling husband... there *were* two until the pug-ody battle ensued and the puglings were separated between parents]. note: I wouldn't put too much weight on reason (d)... I try not to jump off the bridge if everyone else is. however, in this case, I'd like to follow the crowd.

so, in conclusion, I should be able to get another pug. double the cuteness!

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