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Monday, August 22, 2011


we got bowser all set up at the hospital this morning, signed our life away to pay for it, and then left knowing he was in good hands.  they were to run their own tests this morning to get counts and would treat from there.  we hadn't been home an hour and a half when we get a call from the hospital informing us that based on the initial counts and testing, bowser's red blood cell count had dropped even more, down to only 9.  he'd been at least around 11-13 before.  so they were prepping him for a blood transfusion.

never in my life did I think I would have to go through waiting to hear back from a doctor regarding a blood transfusion for a human, let alone for my dog.  I am trying to get work done at home (as is das) but it's hard to concentrate.  I am tired; I am worried; I am hungry.

I feel like now is as good a time as any to touch upon the question that many I'm sure would be asking at this point: really?  all this ER stuff?  and now a blood transfusion?  isn't that a little extreme?  it's just a dog.

this is not just a dog.  bowser is, for all intents and purposes, our child.  we care for him as we would care for a young toddler.  he is dependent upon us for food, water, love, and health.  just because he walks on four legs and is covered in fur does not make him any less important to us.  he loves us unconditionally.  he cuddles with us when we are sad and when we are happy.  he doesn't talk back to us.  we are all a family, and bowser deserves to have us do everything that we can to keep him a part of our lives.

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