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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

what's a birfday?

my mommy told me the other day that I was going to have a big birfday party and I don't think that I really know what that is because mommy and daddy have had parties before and I had an ok time but I didn't really know anybody there and they all wanted to pet me but I just ran around and around and stuff like that and people said hey bowser and come over here bowser and do you want some chips bowser and then I was just tired and that was that. but mommy said this one is going to be different because my mommy asked all of MY friends to come over for the party and we are all going to play outside and run and run and run and jump and play and run and run all around and then have cake and everyone gets a goodie bag with cookies in it and mommy said she's going to work really hard to make sure that everyone has an awesome time but she said too that she is worried that it is going to rain (and nobody likes the rain especially me) and maybe snow and gross things like that so maybe my friends won't be able to come over to run and play with me. my mommy said that buckley and abby and gretta and toby and jazmine and gunther and even the new toby were going to come and play but maybe they won't even get to come but mommy said that if it does rain and snow and gross stuff like that then mommy will tell all of my friends to come a different time and maybe I would get to eat all of the cookies but shhhhhhh don't tell my friends that and that maybe if we can't have it in a few sleeps then maybe there would be more of my friends that would come like gunner and maggie and denver and milady because mommy said they couldn't make it this time because their mommies and daddies were busy. I hope so. I want a party!

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